Your Future Self


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I've recently been reflecting on the concept of doing things for my future self. I realised how easy it is to get stuck in the past, continuing the same routines, and then wondering why things aren't changing. Considering what would help and support my future self, and where I want to be, has been incredibly inspiring. This reflection has led me on a journey to think about my present actions and their impact on my future self.

This doesn't mean being trapped in the future and ignoring the present. Instead, it means understanding how our current actions affect our future. Often, our present is shaped by remnants of the past. By focusing on the present with an eye on benefiting our future selves, we bring numerous benefits to our lives. For me, prioritising my well-being, health, nervous system, and positive relationships is crucial for my future self.

I've realised that by doing things for my future self, I’m living my life in a new way, allowing myself to experience an expanded version of life. Moving forward with this mindset feels incredibly fulfilling. It’s not about becoming obsessed with the future but about living fully and truly in the present while supporting our future.

Becoming aware of our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, and addressing past pain and discomfort, helps ensure we don’t carry unwanted baggage into the future. Often, we carry things unknowingly because we haven’t taken a moment to decide if we’re ready to let them go. Doing positive things for my future self, like bringing romance and beauty into my life, has been essential. For years, I was overly focused on making everything perfect for my health and well-being, which left no room for enjoyment in the present, negatively impacting my future self.

Thus, doing things for our future selves isn’t about being overly serious. It’s equally important to think about joy, play, and romancing our lives. This doesn’t mean neglecting responsibilities; it means consciously choosing to enjoy life more. Of course, life isn’t always smooth, and we must acknowledge and deal with difficult times in the present. By finding ways to nurture ourselves through these situations, we regain the art of play and self-romance, often lost in the rush of life.

Consider this an invitation to think about what you want for your future self and what you're currently doing to impact that future positively. Reflect on all areas of your life, become consciously aware, and intentionally create an expanded version of yourself. This doesn’t imply that you’re not good enough now but that you’re moving towards more joy, better regulation of your nervous system, and greater happiness.

Living this way also benefits those around us, as the positive energy is contagious. Even when someone is having a hard time, you can support them from a place of well-nourished self-awareness. This approach is a win-win because the support you give to your future self benefits everyone.

So, ask yourself what you can do for your future self. Play around with these ideas, envision something more magnificent than you imagined, and recognise the impact of being present. Even when facing hard tasks, how we approach them and feel about them can significantly affect the outcome. By nourishing your future self, you’ll be better equipped to handle challenges.

Give yourself the opportunity to reflect on this. I’ve found that consciously doing things for my future self has already made me grateful for past actions, even small ones. You don’t need to make huge changes; start small, experiment, and play with these ideas. You’ll quickly notice the positive impact on your daily life. So, get conscious and do something today that your future self will thank you for.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, do share with me here.

All my love

Hannah X