The Magic Of The Self Check-in


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Regularly checking in with yourself throughout the year is crucial for staying aligned with your goals, feelings, and overall well-being. By taking the time to assess where you’re at—whether it's your emotions, relationships, or life direction—you can determine if any adjustments are needed, whether it’s a change in course, more self-care, or just a moment to pause and reflect. This practice allows you to evaluate how you’re balancing the things you want to achieve with the joy and fun in your life.

We often get so caught up in the hustle and distractions of life that we forget to check in with ourselves. It's easier to focus on others or external tasks than to look inward and address what we might need to change or let go of. In a world that constantly pushes us to do more and achieve more, it’s easy to overlook the importance of maintaining our mental health, staying connected, and regulating our nervous system.

To counteract this, try implementing mini check-ins each month, with a more in-depth reflection every quarter. Start by asking yourself how you’re feeling right now. How does your life feel in your body? Is your nervous system calm, or is it overwhelmed? Does your life look like what you want it to be, or does it feel distant from your true desires? Happiness isn’t about life always being perfect, but about steering your life in the right direction.

Interestingly, we often avoid checking in on how much joy we’re experiencing. Even when working hard to achieve our goals, joy should be a priority. Without it, even our greatest achievements can feel empty. It’s not about life being a constant stream of joy, but about ensuring that joy underpins our actions, especially when we’re working towards something meaningful.

When we make joy, well-being, and a positive relationship with our nervous system a priority, life takes on a different quality. Achieving goals is important, but if those goals aren’t aligned with your true desires, the journey won’t feel satisfying. Checking in with yourself helps you ensure that you’re living a life that’s right for you, not just what you think you should be doing.

It’s also vital to assess your relationships. Are they nourishing and supportive, or are they draining? Relationships, like life, aren’t always perfect, but they should feel like they’re contributing positively to your life. When things are complicated, that’s when checking in becomes even more essential, helping you navigate challenges and make necessary adjustments.

Remember, life is cyclical and seasonal, and we need to recognise the season we’re in. Sometimes, we need to push forward; other times, we need to rest and realign. If your check-in reveals that things don’t feel good, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, be honest about why it isn’t feeling right and focus on small steps to create change. It’s about making manageable adjustments rather than getting overwhelmed by the need for a big transformation.

On a personal note, I’ve found that even when things feel challenging, focusing on what I can control and nourishing myself helps me choose joy every day. Life can change quickly, so it’s important to make sure you’re truly living, not just going through the motions. Part of that is identifying the pockets of time that bring you pleasure and joy, whether it’s being social, reading a book, listening to music, or spending time in nature.

As you read this, I encourage you to do a check-in with yourself. See where your internal compass is directing you and how your life feels right now. Remember, nothing is impossible, even if life feels challenging. Start small, take your time, and view this check-in as a gift to yourself. By doing this, you’re setting the foundation for positive change and a more fulfilling life.

All my love

Hannah X