The wonder of curiosity ...
Curiosity is a powerful thing that we underestimate, it’s something that can not only shift us but can allow us to lean into something we may not have considered without us being curious.
Sometimes the best thing we can do is to get curious, when we are faced with something we are not sure about, or facing something new.
When we do this with wonder we are allowing ourselves to connect with something in a new way and without letting pre conceived ideas infiltrate it.
We can end up writing things off because simply we haven’t allowed ourselves to be curious and given something a chance.
I’ve recently started even getting curious with things I’ve been doing for years and with things I’ve had for years and began approaching them with curiosity and wonder. It’s felt really refreshing and uplifting approaching things with this new perspective.
I’d like to invite you to think about what are your thoughts arounds curiosity?
How does it feel?
Do you ever get curious with things?
What does curiosity look like for you?
Have a think about these questions and feel into them.
Like all things we need to get into a practise with it, so engage in getting curious and play around with it. Let yourself be surprised by how it feels and where it shifts you.
Practise with new things, and even those things you’re not quite sure about and with things that are already in your life which need a renewed curious energy applied to them.
The other important thing around this is curiosity, how does it feel in your body and nervous system, it may not feel safe or easy. Start working on a nervous system level to shift this.
You may of left that childlike curiosity behind you as you grew up because it felt silly and you felt you had to stop it. Reclaim this and realise there’s an expansive to curiosity, it even triggers your creativity which is always a good thing to be tapped into.
If we look at children as they grow up before all the pressure comes down on them they naturally engage in curiosity with wonder and you can feel their joy with it.
Curiosity breeds joy which as we know we can never have enough joy, and topping up our joy account is a very good thing.
Remember this, if that curiosity actually lets you know that something isn’t right or won’t work, what a great thing you engaged in curiosity to get this guidance. It’ll stop you going along with something that won’t work or be right for you, all because you got curious.
As we move through life and it’s ups and downs it’s remembering the wonder of curiosity is there, it won’t always look the same. But it’s certainly something that will add to you feeling better and engaging in a part of yourself you’ve probably shut down to as you’ve become can adult and got weighed down with life.
So get curious!
I’d love to hear your thoughts on your relationship with curiosity, and let this post be an invitation to get more curious in your life even on the little things, and welcome the shift it brings by doing so.
All my love
Hannah X