Awesome Autumn ...
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With the wheel turning once again a new season is upon us and here in the Northern hemisphere it’s Autumn and for those in the Southern it’s Spring, I’ll pop a blog link here for you.
Autumn equinox is a time of equal light of day and night, this occurs at spring equinox too. The autumn one is a transitional moment to the darker half of the year from the bright one.
As we come down from the high of summer and the warmth starts dwindling, the light is getting less each day and we being to start cosying in more and wrapping up.
I personally love autumn and think its awesome and quite magical, I love seeing nature during this time too, I find it a great time to turn inward.
Autumn has a different feel to it like all seasons do, autumn has the energy of release, clearing out, letting things fall away to create space for the things you do want, and to let go of what’s not serving you. Of course each year it will look and feel different as it depends what’s going on in your life and what personal season you are in. It’s important for you to figure out your personal season of life that you are in to know where you are at, and then using the energy of the current physical season we are in to amplify that in what ever way is needed. Remember there’s no right or wrong here it’s about feeling into whats going to work for you.
Pausing at each seasonal shift allows us to review, reset and realign where we are at with things and adjust things if it’s needed. Its like a check in point and it also allows to anchor and connect to the season we are moving into as we are crossing over and in my opinion make life more sustainable.
Autumn starts slowing us down enough to see things more clearly after the high and fullness of summer, which we all need. If we are full all the time we burn out and get backed up, there’s no point to pause, too slow and release and to create some space for what may not be working or whats run its course. There’s often a fear that when we are in full bloom, if I take my finger off the pulse I’ll lose momentum or things will go wrong etc, this of course isn’t the case, nothing goes in a straight line. Slowing down can actually make us more productive, feel better and have enough space to see things more clearly. Nature doesn’t fight it as the trees lose there leaves and it all starts to die off it knows in good time it will bloom again this is like us. Resistance only creates blocks for us, when we go things flow better and in truth like nature we are cyclic beings.
Imagine if you stopped fighting it and got more in the flow with this idea?
How would the feel?
For some people it wouldn’t even feel safe in there body or nervous system as its been primed to think and be in a certain way.
I invite you work with adjusting your nervous system to feeling safe with this and working with being in the flow and being more in tune with your cyclic nature. It doesn’t have to be extreme either, please note it can be subtle. It’s always about making it work for you.
It takes practise to lean into this way of thinking as we have been so conditioned to think in a certain way that we have to be one way all the time (stuck in that summer high burning out then crashing). Seasonal awareness and harnessing it can only bring benefits to you when you lean in to the idea and remain open to it, life will feel more sustainable.
It may also be a case of changing your thoughts around a season, if we have lots of negativity around it, we will approach it in that way.
I’d love to hear how you are feeling about the season change?
Do you love autumn or maybe not?
How does it feel to lean into seasonal awareness more?
Do get out in nature and connect to it, wrap up and remember the seasons are temporary even if it doesn’t feel the best. If it doesn’t feel good, how can you shift this and make the best of it to have an awesome autumn.
Happy Autumn equinox to you.
All my love
Hannah X