Ten reflections and learnings for 2021 ...
A part of me can’t believe I’m writing this and that it’s the end of 2021, but here we are and the reality is time and life moves whether we do or we don’t. This year has certainly been a lot of things with what’s been going on in the world and of course for some people great things have happened but for others it has been challenging, and collectively it has been very intense.
I find it deeply therapeutic to look back and reflect on the year, and despite the festive seasons business, I love finding those pockets of opportunity’s to seek those peaceful moments and reflect.
Reflection is vital in life for us to integrate and see where we are at and feel the emotions that we need to feel.
Here’s what I’ve learnt this year:
Divine timing really is a thing and trusting in this as part of our journey with life is key and when we lean into this it really makes a difference. I’ve definitely learnt this one this year.
The things you dreamed up and wanted can come true, its not always exactly as we want but i look back this year to things I wanted some years back and I’ve experienced them this year in some form.
Healing isn’t linear, I mean I knew this (LOL) but I feel it’s something that always meets me and teaches me. This year I’ve definitely seen this and met those layers that have come up to heal with fresh new eyes.
When we commit to something and stick with it, results do come. With this blog and podcast I’ve seen this and I’ve found my commitment to doing it with grace and ease definitely helps. Baby steps, nourishing your stuff whatever it is, and remember pour joy into it and do for love rather than the need for validation.
It’s safe to make mistakes, this is part of the human process and something I always berate myself for. I learn this every year as I’m sure you all do. We will mess up sometimes, what we need to do is face it and deal with it in the way that’s needed and move forward, but don’t hurt yourself with it. Integrating this as being human and recognises it happens is so important.
Ask for help, it’s a good thing and gosh I know this can be hard at times, but it can really make a difference to you. I’m continually learning this and have been this year and its helped my life and wellness.
Working smart for yourself, and figuring out your needs, this of course can be hard because I think we get worried we shouldn’t have things easier. However when we work smart we can be better for others, for ourselves and our wellbeing.
Find the things that work for you, and don’t be afraid to let go of things that aren’t working. Even if it’s something that’s working for someone else, this is key because the truth is we are all different, it more than ok to move away from whats not working. Even if someone else is winning doing it. When you do this, you will shift yourself and you will be focused on the things that work for you which feels easier.
Success looks different for everyone, getting clear on what this means for you and how you want to feel is the key. For me this has been so important to stay in my own lane and really figure out what I want. When you do this you invite success more easier towards you, and of course celebrate others in their success, for me this is such a good feeling too. But stay in your lane and fly from that place, you’ll be surprised what happens. Yes, be inspired by others but let them be them and you be you.
Good friends are such healers, the ones who love you in all your forms, who love you when you are imperfect, who cheer for you, who laugh and cry with you, and encourage you to be more of you and support you when your feeling less than supportive to yourself. I’m awe every year of the good people in my life and am blessed to of experienced this again this year, and I know the importance of nourishing these friendships too.
Reading this myself makes me feel deep appreciation.
Integration and reflection is where we find grace, remember grace is perfectly imperfect.
Thank you for your support this year, for reading this blog and listening to the podcast etc.
I appreciate it very much.
I can’t wait to do this for another year.
How has your year been?
Do you take time to reflect?
Share with me here, I’d love to hear.
If you’ve had a tough year be kind to yourself, know that no matter how dire things may seem or have been, know that things can change and shift. It really is possible, so don’t be afraid to take the smallest steps in a new direction.
Happy new calendar year, I will be sharing my new year thoughts in my next post to make sure you do it on your terms.
All the blessings and love
Hannah X
Ps sign up to my news letter for weekly joy here and get a free meditation.https://www.hannah-wallace.com/newsletter