Six ways to connect with the Summer Solstice...
Summer Solstice is upon us here in the Northern hemisphere and in the Southern hemisphere it's Winter Solstice.
I love these points in the year to pause, mark, review and reflect.
I love the high and heady feeling of Summer solstice, the sun is at it highest point.
It’s when one of the earths poles has its maximum tilt towards the sun.
Which is why we get a day of so much light and the longest day of the year.
This point marks the return to the darkness over the next six months to the winter one in December where we have the shortest day of the year.
How can we make the most of this time ?
The importance of pausing is vital to fully connect with this time. It’s too easy to get caught up in the high of the summer energy, the pausing allows you to connect with what you want beyond the high heady feelings.
Either side of the solstice there’s a few days or still point. This encourages the pause to move through the solstice without getting caught in the heady energy.
It’s coming up to the half way point of the calendar year.
Think back to winter solstice.
How were you feeling?
Did you plant any intentions?
Reflection here is always key.
Here’s six ways to guide you through this period:
Get out in the sun and nature and connect with it, even if you’re in the city find the green spaces. Feel the sun on your face and body.
What do you need to let go of and shed from the last six months since the last solstice, taking the time to review this creates space and light for new things to bloom and come in.
Think about what needs illuminating in your life, where can you shine a light on things and what do you need to bring into the light. Sometimes we’ve shelved things in our life and placed them in the dark corners. Maybe its the perfect time to bring them out.
What needs a reset, or declutter I find these points perfect to do. Pushing the reset button is something we all need to do sometimes, and I find it really refreshes things in my life when I do this.
What are you grateful and appreciative for from the last six months, what can you do to celebrate. Bringing celebration energy is so important to this solstice. Sometimes this can feel hard if you’ve had a tough time. No matter how small there’s always something to be grateful for, I know in difficult times this has always helped me. Finding light in the tough things allows us to illuminate them.
Make a celebration dinner, or gathering, light candles, eat good food and share the appreciation with one another and this can be done with even one person.
Whatever you do, as you move through to the second half of the year do so with kindness to yourself. We always have this need to get things right, but there will be times things will be imperfect or not always go right. Sometimes the blocks that come up are actually the detours in the right direction we just didn’t know we needed to be on.
Take the time to get clear on how you want things to look, once you have let go of the expectation of how you want it happen. Get present and do the daily things that consistently feel good and help build towards where you want to go. Open yourself up to receiving, like when we go outside and feel the sun on us we receive that with ease so think about how you receive in your life.
Lastly, happy solstice whether you are in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, let the pause and reflection allow you to reactivate your inner compass to your true north. The busyness of life can makes things get a bit cloudy, let these points clear things out to bring some clarity back to you.
All my love
Hannah X
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