Letting go of frustration ....
We all get frustrated in all the different ways that frustration shows up.
Frustration will vary depending on whats going on in your life and how you are feeling.
Right now for instance we are in a Mercury retrograde and so I know some people have been having technology and communication issues. Which is of course is causing frustration.
The question is how can we navigate and manage frustration ?
Frustration is in essence our reaction to something, and most of the time there’s something underneath it.
We can get frustrated at people and their behaviour, or maybe frustrated that something isn’t happening quick enough.
We get frustrated at situations we may find ourselves in, or more collective things that are going on.
I could go on here, but there are many things that occur that we could potentially get frustrated at.
The key is to get clear on your relationship with frustration.
Does it happen easily to you?
Is it just certain triggers or things?
Does stress trigger it more?
How does frustration affect you?
It’s likely frustration will feel overwhelming and stressful for you.
Obviously the main objective here is to find constructive ways to release frustration and manage it better.
But like all things when they come up, it's feed back, which is something we need to listen too and learn from.
What is the feedback you're getting from your frustration?
This is important to identify and once you do, you are able to feel the emotions that are underneath it. Often frustration will occur because we try and bypass and ignore the feedback, but if you want to get on top of frustration, it is important thing to listen.
Timing is often a big thing we get frustrated with, when we can’t let go of frustration around this we tend to get stuck there. Which ultimately isn’t very constructive for you at all, therefore inviting the idea of trusting in the right timing around something is very helpful.
Now of course frustration maybe giving you the feedback that you need to do more for instance or get more motivated. It’s important that you acknowledge it, but make the choice to move through this and take some action on the things you can do.
With people ultimately we can’t control their actions which cause us frustration, all we can do is manage ourselves.
With other people we can of course voice frustrations etc, but what they do with that is their choice.
So getting strong in your centre this is the best way to manage frustrations with others, and recognising all your frustration cannot help to change someone if they aren’t willing to.
Recognising ways that you can manage your frustrations around things, and finding things that will work for you is the key to success.
I, of course will always recommend, meditation, mindfulness, dance movement and breath work, as all of these things bring you back to your body and yourself. Essentially making you feel more in control of your reactions and feelings. Finding the ones that work for you is the key here and thankfully you have so many options now. Some of the above may frustrate you at times, but remember you are not doing them for the outcome of a quick fix but for long term wellness.
The more we remember that getting present on a regular basis helps to disconnect us from frustration.
We can’t always control the outcome so it’s meeting them at the point where you and they are at.
I find sharing with someone can sometimes help ease things.
Lastly remember, frustration is human it’s about not being hard on yourself, it’s natural we will sometimes feel frustrated and sometimes we can be grateful for the feedback the frustration gives us. Witness it, break it down, feel it, to move through it and don’t let yourself get stuck in it.
I’d love to hear of your relationship to frustration, and how you deal with it?
All my love
Hannah X