Release the time trap ...
We’ve all been there when we’ve felt the urgency of time and got caught in the loop of this, sometimes its self imposed and sometimes imposed outside of us.
Either way when we feel that urgency, it puts us on alert and the pressure turns up and we often feel it in our bodies.
Like all topics there’s many facets to this and of course there are things outside of us we may have to get done for all the various reasons where there are time constraints.
However, the self imposed urgency this is the thing we can look at, and create a different story around and we can release the time trap.
We have urgency around all different things in life from the big things of need to meet the right person, and feeling society’s pressure for instance, to the small life things and the urgency to get some done that are small but need doing. It doesn’t matter about the thing itself initially it’s becoming aware of this energy in your life at first and what its bringing up, then you can work on the different things its impacting in your life.
I personally am quite an organised person, this for me allows me to feel safe and feels good in my nervous system. This is what works for me and of course everyone is different, things like effective time management helps me optimise things.
What I have become aware of is how urgency and the time trap ruled me in different ways, by this I mean the energy I’m bringing to what I’m doing and what’s going on in my nervous system. Often since childhood urgency energy is used to get things done and we get used to that feeling and pattern even though it can feel stressful. When I first became aware of this I realised how addicted I was to this feeling and pattern and in a weird way it almost felt safe to be in that state of urgency. What I also noticed was how this urgency energy would leak into all areas of my life and impact them too.
I had to firstly begin with my awareness to this and assess how “urgent” this thing I needed to do was and how I’d come to that conclusion, as of course like I said above I was aware that somethings just needed to get done.
I later came to realise I could even impact the things that had to get done and remove this energy and sense of urgency from it and it felt different.
Back to the self imposed urgency, I began looking at my stories of why and what was underneath this and began by changing these and challenging them when it would come up.
Re wiring and re writing these stories have been powerful for me.
I got aware of the feelings in my body and nervous system when I was in this state, and worked on changing this. I find this is a practise and something you work on with somatic’s as you are rewiring your nervous system in order to feel different and to feel safe in a different space that you aren’t used to.
Take the time to look at what goes into the space when you release the time trap and what energy and feeling you want to fill it with, and become present with this.
When we release urgency it allows us to be more present and aware.
These process’s won’t happen instantly ( well maybe who am I to say) but from my experience I’ve found its a process and one you have to lean into from time to time.
What I have gained from removing the sense of urgency from the things I can control has been transformative and I came to realise how many areas of my life it has impacted. A big one for me was my sense of urgency to heal, this kept me trapped in a huge loops of many ups and downs with a lot of force behind it. I realised how much I struggled to be present and how jacked my nervous system and how much of a failure I felt (the story I created) when something I was doing hadn’t worked. I felt this urgency that life would be rosy if I was better, the relief I felt as I unraveled this and re wired my nervous system was actually deeply healing. This of course was one thing and urgency was something I’ve had going on in many areas of my life.
While I am by no means perfect, releasing the time trap of urgency has really benefited my life and even on the more fixed things I can approach them differently and above all I feel more present and I’m not bringing the energy of urgency to everything I’m doing.
I am of course aware that people have busy lives and this is big topic with many facets like I said at the beginning.
If this resonates with you it may well be worth looking into this.
I hope reading my perspective has been helpful, and I’d love to hear from you about this.
What’s your relationship with urgency?
All my love
Hannah X