Reclaim your magic and find grace ...
Do you believe in magic?
Do you believe you are magic?
I’m here to tell you, that we are all magic, yes you heard me right, it has just got buried within you.
Life happens and from a young age most of us stop believing in the possibility of magic, and life with all its layers build up around burying our magic deep inside of us.
What I will say is this, everyones magic looks and feels different, the biggest problem we have is being sold a lie that it has to look and be a certain way.
Some of may know what your magic is, some of us may need to rediscover it and some of us may have to discover it for the first time.
When I ask people on my podcast what finding grace means to them, the greatest thing with this question is that it varies so much. The question is tapping into something we can’t always see but a feeling and this where we have to begin with reclaiming our magic.
These five steps are helpful in this journey.
Get clear on what you believe about magic, “what does it mean to you?” and “how does it feel?” and if you don’t know let yourself be open to something, remember there’s all possibility available to you if you allow it.
What’s your magic story, most of us will shut off early on because it seems silly so re writing this and reclaiming your story is important. It may even feel traumatic because we have been told such a thing is bad or we may have been shut down so magic doesn’t even feel safe. Getting trauma informed for yourself will allow you to realise and recognise why it doesn’t feel safe to reclaim it.
How does magic feel in your body and nervous system, because if it doesn’t feel good here, it’s where things drop off. When it does feels good here and feels safe, and you can sustain and hold that in your body and nervous system and it can expand. Most of our nervous systems aren’t programmed for this, because it’s not something that has been part of our lives or something that has seemed possible. So its reprogramming it in on a nervous system level and getting it to feel good. This takes time, patience and practise.
Realising its not about what the outside is doing, it’s remembering the question “is this what I really want?” and will it be sustainable. Sustainability is a big thing because it enables expansion, that you can hold and grow.
How are you living and being? Are you in survival mode? Are you feeling connected and appreciative with life? We can start small but making small shifts and changes to the mundane things we do and making them more beautiful. In a word learning to romance life, this can have a profound affect and bring about transformation. When we are in survival mode there is only space for this. Starting small, can bring about big changes in the end and creates space for magic in your life, and there really does needs to be space. Start now and begin to live your life more magically.
As we reclaim our magic we need to do so in a grounded and heart centred way, if our heads are in the clouds, it blocks us from bringing things to our lives.
It’s important that we understand are own unique patterns without judgement and we can refine and unravel them if they are supportive
Getting support and talking to those around you who are on the same page and wave length as you is the key, this can be done in a number of ways these days which is great.
A great way to kick start this journey is to join me at the Mind, body spirit festival in London Olympia Monday the 29th May at 1030am, for my hour long workshop “Reclaim your magic and find grace”!
If you use MBS10Hannah at the checkout you get 10% off !
I would love to meet you and see you there.
Do share your thoughts with me on this post.
All my love
Hannah X