A little reminder for 2020 ....
Dear Human,
It’s 2020, and well ...it has been a wild ride so far, one where many of us didn’t think when the clock struck midnight on December the 31st did we imagine we would be where we are right now, that this would be our reality, I mean who could have imagined.
Basically it's all been a bit weird for everyone all over the world as you’re trying to navigate where you are at, your finding yourself questioning things, seeing things through new eyes, or maybe you’re not coping at all or you’re feeling frustrated or even angry because your life is not how you envisioned it.
Uncertainty is probably the key word for many of us this year and trying to become ok with this and work with where you are at. If you’re feeling lots of emotions, feel them because we gotta feel it to heal it and that's all the emotions too, even the uncomfortable ones.
This is a reminder to be kind to yourself, you see I know we are all different in how we cope with things, and if you're not feeling ok that's ok, you need to honour this and meet yourself there it's the only way we are able to shift ourselves. It can be tough if you’re seeing other people somehow navigating and thriving and you aren’t, remember this you aren’t doing anything wrong sometimes things do feel too much and we have to do the best we can. Meet yourself where you are at, and ask yourself what you need and stop being hard on yourself because quite frankly things are strange and we all have to find the way that works for us.
You may be on the flip side of this and you’ve learnt to thrive during this time and you’ve actually been doing well but you feel guilty because you know so many who are struggling. We can’t be hard on ourselves because we have been doing well, that needs to be celebrated, and we need to realise in life that during tough times there will always be people that find a way to thrive because this has always been.
What you can do is make sure you reach out and support others who maybe aren’t, and find ways to inspire and help people whose situation differs from yours.
You can see right here wherever you are at the key here is to stop comparing yourself to others. Right now this really isn’t the time to compete, it's a time to really understand that doing you is pretty much the most important thing you can do right now, “ you do you boo” is a saying I love, let this be your mantra feel it in your heart.
The truth is we all have different cycle’s, rhythms, seasons and responses to things so learning to understand yours will guide you and help you greatly, and if you focus on this not only will you understand yourself better but you will be setting down long term foundations for greater wellbeing and a deeper connection to yourself in the future.
In heightened times the polarities between things often feel stronger so it highlights our insecurities, but never has there been a better time to learn that looking after yourself is probably the most important thing you can do for yourself right now, because when you do this you will find yourself in feel a more grounded and in a better state.
Never underestimate what self care, kindness and laughter can do for the soul, it's the medicine you need to take right now so over fill your cup with it again and again.
Lastly, right now listen to yourself and your heart, as this is the best compass that you have to get you facing your true north.
I see you human wherever you are at and this little reminder is wrapped in love to whoever reads this.
All my love
Hannah X
Ps If you want a free meditation great for grounding yourself sign up to my newsletter here (no spam only weekly magic that’s a promise).