Sustainable September - A Letter To You

Dear Reader,

As we step into September, I can’t help but feel that familiar “back-to-school” energy (I wrote all about this in one of my recent newsletters) signup here, a mix of excitement and a fresh start. It’s like the summer is behind us, and now we’re gearing up for the seasons ahead—autumn, Halloween, the winter festivities—it’s all on the horizon. But with that, I’ve also noticed a lot of online chatter, and perhaps you have too. There’s this pressure around “How has your year been?” or “It’s not too late to end the year on a high!” It’s true, of course—it’s “never” too late to reset, to begin again. But I think it’s important to pause and take a personal look at where we’re each at before diving into the rush of “finishing strong.”

Here in the northern hemisphere, we’re moving into autumn—a time of letting go, of shedding what no longer serves us. And while there’s a lot of talk about getting back on top of things, this season of release might not actually be about hustling or pushing harder. Some of us may need this time to slow down, to restore, and too reset.

Read more about Autumn here in a previous blog post.

We’re all in different places in our personal journeys, and there are so many factors that shape how our year has gone. I remind myself, as I like to share with you, that even numerology reflects this: we’re all on different paths, in different personal years, with unique energies guiding us. Maybe this wasn’t your year to be flying high, and that’s okay. Perhaps you’re healing, or maybe life threw you some unexpected challenges. Grief, health issues, or a tough period in your life can make it nearly impossible to meet the external pressures of “success.” And really, what’s more important—pushing through or honouring where you are?

The truth is, none of this means you can’t do good things for yourself or make progress. But it does mean that building a strong foundation—one that nurtures and supports you—is essential. If we’re running on empty, no amount of effort is going to sustain us. Things crumble when we don’t take care of ourselves first. But when you lay that groundwork, when you nourish your nervous system, everything else has a better chance of falling into place.

I love seeing all the inspiring posts about ending the year strong and making the most of it. But I want to remind you to focus on what’s truly happening for *you*. There’s no shame in having a year that wasn’t your best. Maybe now isn’t the time to push harder; maybe it’s the time to lean into what you need, to ask yourself how you can better support yourself.

Sometimes, we get so caught up in doing all the things we think we should be doing, that we forget to *live*. We forget to have fun, to feed our soul. Sure, there will be times when the pressures of life—family, career, personal challenges—will demand more from us. But you are always at the centre of your life. And if you’re not taking care of yourself, if your cup isn’t full, it affects everything.

So, as we move into September, let’s make it a “sustainable” one. Honour whatever feelings come up as we cross the equinox. Look at what’s working for you and what isn’t. Reflect on what’s falling away and what needs realigning in your life. Maybe you’re ready to end the year on a high, and if that’s you, go for it! But if not, that’s perfectly okay too.

Turn down the outside noise and focus on moving forward in a way that feels true for you. Whether you’re navigating grief, dealing with health challenges, or just feeling like this wasn’t your year, remember that taking care of you is the most important thing. Every year is different, and so are we. Have compassion for yourself. Life isn’t static, and neither are we. We’re constantly changing, feeling, and evolving, and that’s okay.

As we move through this season, be kind to yourself. Celebrate your small wins. Count your gratitudes. And above all, find joy. Because without joy, we lose the very essence of what makes life rich.

With love and support,

Hannah X

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