Turn down the pressure to feel the magic……
photo by- sweta-meininger-unsplash.
I love the festive season, and as we are in the midst of December nothing makes me happier, I get really excited, but I’ve really learnt over the years the need to calm, reflect and not get caught up in the pressure of it all. To listen to my body and create it in a way that works for me, especially with my health. But all to often many of us do get caught up in it, and this is in so many ways, from feeling the need to do things we don’t always want to do or that maybe we’re missing out or how everyone else’s Christmas looks more perfect than yours, and we don’t feel we can do anything other than go with it. What’s important here is to take your power back, and when we do this we turn down the pressure and we can really tune into the magic of something.
The festive season often brings up all the emotions, and it can be a lonely time for people and if people are having struggles in their life this time of year can really highlight it. Something we can all do is to reach out to someone or help in some way if you do see someone struggling, it’s the season giving after all and acts of kindness really are magic, kindness shifts everything. That doesn’t mean doing something that will compromise you but something you feel able to do, and it’s never about money being spent it’s the gestures.
So what can we do to help ourselves?
Now these are my ideas and the truth is there’s no right way here, it’s finding what works for you and aligning with it.
Firstly get clear whats the season means to you, and how you want it to be, make your own rules here there’s no hard or fixed way, its what feels good.
Make sure you if you have personal struggles you look after yourself, get clear on what you can and can’t do, this goes for everyone too wherever you are in life. This is truly a season where we need to really amp up the self care and self love even more than normal, which often seems hard when things are so busy. Which is why it’s so important, we are better for everyone around us as well as ourself when we look after ourselves. Society has it backwards as self care is often so far down the list.
Finding meaning in the season beyond the all the excitement and sparkle is something that can really help people. If your religious of course, this will be what it’s all about but for many it’s different, for me one of the things in December is, that it’s the month of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, where we get the shortest day of the year. We really move into the darkness in this month and amongst the excitement there’s opportunity for reflection and renewal of what has been in the year passed, and what you’re grateful for. It’s a powerful transition point during the season, and the rebirth of the sun, because after the 21st we move back towards the days getting lighter. It doesn’t matter what you do, but having reflection time is such a positive thing for the good and the bad things, it’s a powerful place to look things and it gives us the opportunity to shift things and let go of what doesn’t serve us.
Get out in nature, this is something that helps so many people come back to themselves, so if this helps you make sure you get nature time, and for anyone this can be helpful to ground you and get some peace and perspective, as nature has the ability to do this to us.
As it can be a triggering season, its important to know what triggers you because awareness is everything. Obviously sometimes it will be impossible to avoid certain things but doing your best to avoid triggers will be a positive thing and will turn down the pressure.
Above all, pressure comes from expectation, so rather than amping up expectation, which can often lead to a comedown. Focus on the joy and the magic this season can bring, and connect to happiness and peace. When we shift our focus to this, no matter how small the shift it will help.
I could go into huge detail here but whats most important is balance, when we seek balance in busy times it eases the pressure off things.
However you’re spending your Christmas period, I wish you a happy, peaceful, magic and joyful one.
Are you feeling the pressure of the season?
What could you do, to bring more ease to yourself during the festive period?
All my love
Hannah X