Trust the reroute ....
The current time we find ourselves in have left many people in a place of uncertainty and being left to trust the reroute that they are being taken on. This is affecting people on a global scale so it’s a reroute in a big way.
But what is clear in some way everyone is being affected whether it’s in a big or small way and how we approach this will impact our wellbeing. So it’s important we look after ourselves and we lean into what we can do for ourselves to trust these reroutes.
It may be the collective adjustments to the changes in society that are affecting you, but for some people it’s everything from their jobs or changes in the work place and all manor of things.
We’ve been tested and challenged so much during this time, even down to our thinking, so kindness and compassion to ourselves and others is key.
We are being called to almost take a step back and some deep breath’s so our already over stimulated nervous systems can calm.
Calming our nervous systems during this time is essential to stay grounded, well and in balance.
How do we do this ?
Taking up some form of a relaxation practise or mindfulness can be really helpful especially if you do it consistently because it will keep you topped up and help you navigate things with more ease.
I find meditation is super helpful to me, and the great thing is as I’ve said many times, there’s so many different types that you can find one that works for you.
There’s even such a huge number of apps to try so its easy to find the right one.
If you are in the midst of having to really trust the reroute making sure you talk to someone is key, it may be a friend or a professional, this helps us see things from an outside perspective which can be really helpful to gain some clarity. Sometimes it really can feel a lot and goodness me right now it has been a lot for everyone.
I find that journaling or writing things down is also a great way and the good thing is there’s no right way to do this, it’s what feels good to you.
Making sure you honour and feel your emotions during a time like this whatever they are this is the best way to get you moving forward even if they are tricky ones and you may find you have to sit with these uncomfortable emotions to really feel them.
Problems often occur for us when we bypass and suppress emotions, we need to remember we don’t always need to be brave, it’s ok not to be ok.
Often we see others coping and then feel like there’s something wrong with us, but we never know what goes on behind closed doors or what’s going on inside another especially when they cover it up.
Right now we are all having to accept a level of uncertainty because the truth is we don’t know, that’s why building the trust muscle in yourself will help you stay in your centre so when it does feel a bit wobbly you have a level of resilience.
Trusting in the unknown is a big thing so we really need to go easy on ourselves and be gentle.
Having good self care during a time like this is another great way to keep yourself topped up, in fact it’s vital and with self care we all have different things that spark joy for us and feel good, do what works for you.
Some people have very busy lives with families and work so this can be tricky, but it’s about getting smart and knowing even if its small windows to take them and know this will still have a positive affect on you.
Getting some time in nature and getting some fresh air and exercise if you’re able to helps us stay connected and fills us up, so getting some of this into your week is something you will find a really positive thing to do.
Dance around your home, the simplicity of something like this is not to be underestimated.
I hope this post is helpful, I don’t have the answers as no one does but I do know that using tools that are helpful and positive can make a difference during a time like this when we are faced with trusting the reroute.
I remind myself regularly that rainbows come after rain and that there’s always hope as a guiding light even in the darkness times.
Grace can be found when we remember it’s always there, we just have to find our way back to it.
I’m wishing a you a good day whenever you read this.
All my love
Hannah X
PS When you sign up to my newsletter there’s a free meditation which right now could very helpful .