Trust the process ....
We all heard it, “you gotta trust the process”, I even know I’ve said it to people too.
Despite this kinda being true, it’s still frustrating to hear it sometimes for sure.
This of course is understandable, when we are in process with something we basically want to get to the end result or outcome that we want, and more often than not there’s probably uncertainty around the fact you are having to trust in the first place.
The key here is to remember that life is a continual series of processes, and with some we will be more sure of the outcome and others we will have to lean in and deeply trust.
I know for me over the years learning to trust the process has certainly lead me on the journey to finding grace. It has tested me and had me surrendering in ways I didn’t know I would have to.
One of the big realisations it always brings me to still, is that we can’t get fixated on outcomes. That actually, it’s not just about trusting the process it’s about finding a way to somehow be present with the process and enjoy it, which of course is easier said than done if it’s something more challenging.
Our perceptions and perspective of something is everything, so finding ways to look at things differently and bring more ease into life is what we need to do. Of course there’s no specific manual life serves up on how to do this, and as we move through life different things will affect us in different ways no matter how practised we are.
Working with your perception will inevitably help.
I would suggest leaning into this but something I remind myself of is this.
How I look at things can make things more painful or a little bit easier. Now of course getting clear on your feelings and honouring them as we move through life’s process’s is important. It stops us by passing what’s going on and although initially this can be challenging if painful feelings come up. Once we have awareness to our feelings it makes things easier.
I find that rather than always pretending things are ok or making big jumps from negative to positive. Taking smaller jumps and building up on this anchors things in and I find this allows you to trust the process a bit more easily.
The thing we all need to look at and recognise it that many people have deep rooted trust issues, which can often be found back in childhood. This can happen to us in all different ways, so looking at your relationship with trust is important.
Do you feel safe in trusting the process, by this I mean how does this feel in your body. We actually forget that if we don’t truly feel safe how can we fully trust, now of course this has a sliding scale with different things. One of course we all have to individually navigate and feel into as we move through what life will place before us.
Lastly, to sum this post up here’s a few things that can help along the way to encourage trusting the process.
Get grounded, find the things that help you with this.
Meditate regularly or find a process similar that helps.
Become aware, and listen to whats really going on with you and what you’re feeling, honour your frustrations, its understandable we feel like this sometimes.
Do something that gets you in your body we will all have different things so do whats right for you on this.
Find the right people in your life that are supportive.
Remove the attention from the outcome and more to the journey and how you can learn to enjoy it along the way. How can you bring more fun to the process, even the more challenging ones.
Self care like always is paramount because it’s a direct reflection of the relationship with yourself, when we learn to look after ourselves and have compassion for ourselves it changes everything for us and helps us support ourselves.
Be kind to yourself and to others, we are all navigating something in some way.
Remember life can be messy and uncertain at times, and other times wonderful and beautiful.
We are given all of these things as we move along through our various life processes, and many times it’s having the courage to move beyond the labels of right and wrong to really lean in and trust.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this…
How do you trust the process?
Do you struggle or find it easy?
Sending all the support you the reader as you trust your various life’s processes.
All my love
Hannah X