The winter solstice edit ...
Here in the Northern hemisphere we entering into winter, on the 21st of December its winter solstice. It’s known as the shortest day of the year, where we have the least amount of daylight in the year and the longest time of darkness the earths polls reaches its maximum tilt away from the sun, spiritually it's symbolic and represents the death and rebirth of the sun. The polls shift and we begin the journey back to light where the days will start to get lighter, and from this point forward we move towards the longest day of the year where we mark Summer solstice.
For those reading this in the southern hemisphere, I will link some blog posts here as its summer for you.
Winter solstice is an inward and introspective time, a pause and moment to sit in the dark and remembrance that we will return to the light and we can always light up the darkness.
It occurs in the midst of the busy festive season, often where people feel that they barely have a moment to pause.
Taking a sacred pause is such a powerful way to realign and reflect on what as been since summer solstice where we began the decent/return to the darkness. Reflection as always is so powerful for us to see where we are at, what we have achieved or not achieved. How have we supported and cared for ourselves and how we could have been kinder to ourselves. It feels a time and moment to have a sacred release and to remember that we came from the darkness of the womb to be born into this world where it is light and to remind ourselves there is wisdom in the darkness. It’s where we plant seeds in the dark of the ground and they grow up through the ground towards to the light to become the things that they are meant to be. This wouldn’t have been possible without their time in the darkness, its remembering the darkness can be nourishing as well as the light.
Take an inventory of where you are at, light a candle and mark the moment to celebrate the return to the light but also the magic of the darkness.
We are all in different seasons in our lives, you may well be in winter, this is different for us all, so think about where you are at in your life.
How are you feeling right now in that season?
When we embrace the seasons and understand we are all cyclic by nature, it allows us to live more in tune with ourselves and where we are at. For instance we would burn out if we were always in summer, we need to have the death and rebirth and times where things fall away and the time when new things are grown. If things didn’t die off we wouldn’t have space for new things that we need.
Seasons allow for natural realignment so to speak.
Get out in nature as this allows you to connect with the season too and experience its magic, nature is always the image of the season it's in, while winter may seem dark, cold and bleak at times. It’s actually when the magic is happening and we just don’t see it. Just like in the manifestation process when we are at the point where we let go and don’t see what’s happening.
When we embody the darkness we embody the light, one can’t exist without the other this is something we all need to remember.
I will be marking winter solstice with a mini ritual and taking time for reflection and introspection too. I will welcome the season with gratitude and share my gratitude for the one that has been.
Winter solstice / yule blessings to all that read this.
I’d love to hear if you mark the season too, share with me here.
All my love
Hannah X