The Spring gardener ....
Spring has sprung here in the northern hemisphere, whereas autumn is upon those in the southern. This post will mostly be focused on the spring, I will link my autumn stuff here for those in the Southern Hemisphere.
I love the seasons and honouring each one in the wheel of the year. They are powerful reset points and moments to pause, each one producing magic and medicine in their own way.
Equinox’s have a different medicine to the solstices in the sense, they remind us of balance. The equinox’s are point’s of equal light and dark, before beginning its shift to either summer light or the winter darkness.
We all need to be reminded of balance in our busy lives, and the balance of light and dark within ourselves.
On top of this it’s the astrological new year, which I always treat as new year energy, often with new year in December, I don’t feel quite ready.
What a year it has been too, so if this new year passed you by and didn’t feel quite ready. Why not combine an equinox and new year ritual together.
There’s nothing more magical than watching nature wake up with spring, the days are getting lighter, it may feel like you’re waking up too. Take your time and go at your own pace you may still be hibernating, spring can feel exciting and you get a rush of excitement to go full speed ahead. They key is to not burn out before you hit summer. Let yourself blossom with ease, if we look at nature it never forces it goes at it’s own pace. With our humanness in the mix we often get in the way trying to force and control things, you can’t force blooming.
Think of your own life garden waking up from winter, and break it down mind, body and soul to how you tend to things. What needs weeding in the garden, does the soil need turning and whats starting to come alive.
Does your garden feel too crowded?
How could you create more space?
Does any weeding need to be done ?
What needs adding and what seeds can you plant in your life ?
Is the soil in your life garden feeling nourished, in other words are you feeling nourished?
Do you feel you can manage your garden?
Does your garden feel a nourishing place for your soul right in your life ?
How does your garden feel over all; in tune and alignment with you?
Have a reflection on these powerful questions, once you feel clear you can act on them with a pace that feels good for you.
I spoke about the mental spring clean in my last post here which could also be helpful to read.
Get yourself outdoors and feel spring in the air, let yourself connect with it.
Make sure you have that spring clean indoors to welcome the spring in.
Lastly what you do you need to release from the winter just gone and from an astrological basis over the last year too.
Write that list and release it, rip it up , flush it down the toilet or even burn it (whatever feels good to you).
Collectively it has been an intense time, that of course has affected everyone differently, but one where I’m sure we all have things to release.
I like to thank the winter as well, for what I’ve learnt because winter is such an inward time, theres a magic there too.
After you’ve done this think about what you want to bring in, what seeds and intentions you may want to plant and welcome in.
Of course some of you will have ones planted in winter that are starting to poke through, but wherever you're at, let yourself add to this.
Then let yourself enjoy the magic of spring and the hope it brings. I hope this post gives you some point’s of reflection to think about.
Warmer, lighter days are coming, so let’s celebrate that.
Share with me do you love spring and are ready to welcome it in or are you still hibernating?
Sending goodness to all who read this!
All my love
Hannah X