Whats the magic formula ? ...
The magic formula to being successful or achieving something, is something people are always seeking and they want specifics.
One thing I’ve come to learn after twenty plus years immersed in the world of personal development and spirituality, it’s not quite as simple as this, especially as we are all unique in so many different ways.
Let me expand here ….
Something I hear a lot is “how did you do that?”, “what tools did you use?”, “what’s the step process?”, “what practises did you do?”. People love this, and there are many books and courses out there, with all the magic formulas, step by step process’s and people ready to tell that they can solve your problems, change your life, make you rich etc.
Don’t get wrong here, I love this world and love learning from people, but the biggest things I’ve learnt along the way here it circles back to you, and to learning to trust yourself. To you understanding you're uniqueness and recognising what may work for you, won’t always for someone else and vice versa.
Guess what that’s ok, its like everything in life and though this maybe a hard pill to swallow when you go all in with something, the real key to success here is realising you can’t outsource all your power to something.
And of course I’ve heard it many times when something hasn’t worked for someone, that they didn’t do it properly etc. In truth there will be many factors to this, the biggest thing we can realise, when we do something we have to go with an open mind and not be fixed on an exact outcome, no matter what the promises are.
While of course practises, process’s, tools etc are all good and I do many myself, but what I’ve come to realise is that while we can learn and be inspired by others. It’s finding what works for you and creating your own tool box and also recognising this will change over time too. Sometimes less is more and being consistent and being present are very powerful things to do.
There are times in our life where we will do lots and be on fire with it and other time times less and its important to flow with this.
The big one here is trusting your intuition, I was reading something recently and the person said, how they didn’t do a few of the big things that everyone raves about doing. As they don’t resonate with them and it didn’t really do much for them, yet they feel good and are doing very well and riding the wave of success. They have found the things that work for them and trust themselves enough to know it’s not about following the crowd and doing these things just because everyone else says it’s the right things to do.
The other thing here is the nervous system; is your nervous system unregulated because the bigger reason things here may not be landing is because of this.
Everyone has a different rhythm, if you’re doing something that’s misaligned with your rhythm it won’t always resonate.
Often when we are seeking and searching for something without us realising there’s a desperate energy behind it, I know because I’ve been there too. While it’s great you're taking action and seeking change, it’s asking yourself on a foundational level what’s underneath this, what’s the feeling thats coming up. In truth tools, steps, process’s, practises will only take us so far even when we are obsessively doing them, if we haven’t addressed the deeper issues here.
Shifting out of that desperate state is one of the most healing things you can do for you.
Commit to learning to trust yourself and your intuition with things, try different things but don’t let yourself follow blindly if something isn’t working for you. Curate your own personal tool box, and learn to trust that and be fluid with outcomes, remember sometimes the outcome we get is what we actually need.
Above all enjoy your life, we often live in the idea “I will do this when”, we are surviving and we forget to be present in life and enjoy the little things and the people in our lives.
Lastly, get clear on what you really want not what looks good or will fill a gap, in truth everyone version of success looks different and it’s something that will change over time.
Remember there is no one magic formula, but rather many and its finding what resonates and works for you.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
All my love
Hannah X