The magic of Spring ...
Photo daiga-ellaby-YnNczu62rdk-unsplash
Spring is in the air here in the northern hemisphere, (if you are southern hemisphere check out these two autumn posts here).
Back to spring, the light, the smell in the air, seeing nature is gently coming alive is so magical. Letting spring land with you and activate with you in the way thats best for you the key to success as with all seasons. When we really tune into the seasons and work with them, not only do we feel more connected to ourselves but we also have a deeper understanding of our own rhythms. This allows to optimise how we do things and get things to sustainable work for us, that in itself is pure magic. We will all have our favourite seasons and the ones where we feel more alive, this doesn’t mean we can’t optimise and work well with others too. We are cyclic by nature and no one can sustain running at one level all the time, without even realising it we are all seasonal in our own different unique ways. Even a business has seasons, so allowing ourselves to work with this lets sustainability come in.
What does each season mean to you?
How do they feel?
By simply connecting with these questions allows you the clarity to know what you can bring forward to help you get the best out of each season.
Lovely spring, I think even if you love winter and I personally like winter and I know for some they don’t like it. I believe it has its place and we need the hibernation vibes that it brings and how it allows us see things in a different light to realign what’s needed.
The joy of spring breaking always feels welcome and exciting.
The two equinoxes each year are natures way of realignment, the spring one brings rebirth, fresh energy and renewal. The spring equinox is when the sun passes the equator moving from the southern to the northern hemispheres we get a point where night and day are of equal length and we cross over in the season. The energy is very powerful either side of the equinox point and the perfect time to pause and to honour the darkness and the light within us.
As we welcome spring let yourself wake up gently, you don’t want to burn out before the summer comes.
Have a declutter and spring clean your space.
Make plans.
What seeds have you planted you want to grow and blossom to life.
What fresh energy can you bring into your life to reawaken things.
What needs to come back to life within you, welcome the energy of renewal.
Connect with nature around you to really get a feel of the season, I love seeing the change in my local park.
Take the time to reflect on the last twelve months, releasing things that no longer work, have gratitude for what has worked, celebrate yourself too for navigating everything and set intention for what you want for the next twelve months.
I love the possibility and hope spring brings, and I’m definitely ready to inject that fresh energy into my life bringing in new perspective.
Let yourself think of spring as another new year, I know some people really resonate with this and have used the winter for deep hibernation. I actually love this and resonate with this, I find it allows me to ease into the new calendar year while honouring winter.
New hope and possibility, even the astrological signs begin again starting with Aries season around equinox in the astrology wheel.
Happy spring equinox and this maybe the perfect reset you needed after a long winter, especially with how the world has been the last two years collectively people have deeply felt the affects.
I’d love to hear how you feel about spring, share with me here!
Spring blessings to all who read this.
All my love
Hannah X