It's the little things ...
The little things really do matter …
Let that sink in, it can be easy to get disheartened thinking that the things we are doing aren’t aligning or are taking us in a different direction. You know those times we are called to trust the process and part of u feels that “oh not this again”.
We tend to get very caught up in the outcome of something rather than recognising that to get anywhere it’s a series of things that get us to the outcome of where we need be or where we are taken to.
Realising the basis of anything has good foundations is the best place to begin and good foundations are built upon good habits or rather habits that work for you.
I emphasise this because in life because filling your tool box with things that work for you really is the key, and also having the ability to notice when things are no longer worker. This is important too, and when we lean into that it allows us to really see what’s working for us and what’s not. Whats important here to no matter how busy you are, finding the small things that can actually support you, you will then find are not worth negating no matter how stressed and busy you are.
It can seem frustrating doing all the little things and not really seeing much happening, often more is happening beneath the surface than we realise and it's shifting your perspective that you’re building an inner foundation and that inner will withhold as you outwardly expand and grow.
Think about working with your nervous system and learning to feel safe in your body and not only that, being able to hold things in your body. This kinda work is subtle at first but has long term gains, and allows you to navigate life without burning out and you are able to deal with things better when your nervous system is in balance. It relies on you showing up, regularly doing the little things to create this balance.
Think of the body with exercise, its long term gains, when you first work on a muscle it’s different to when you’ve been working on it a while.
You the see the trend here, small habits can lead to big long term gains, and not only that it will support your wellbeing too.
I know with my health and body its been about adaption and learning to find what will help me, but also finding pleasure in the little things that bring joy too and making sure there’s lots of that too.
The other thing is, let’s say you’re being led in another direction or things don’t turn out how out how you want them to. All those little things will support you as you move in another direction and remain as a supportive foundation to where you are heading too.
When we see someone with big success we don’t realise it took a lot of things to get there including all those little things. The truth is when they hit walls they didn’t give up, and kept on building from the little things. If you find yourself thinking it’s all right for them, remember every thing has a journey from where it started and of course somethings start already from a level of privilege but they still need to move in order for things to work.
The little things also help us remember the present moment, and when we spiral into the future or the past which of course is easy to do it disconnects us from the present moment.
Start appreciating the little things in your life, on the way to the bigger things. Appreciate the simplicity of them and also the comfort they sometimes bring. Most importantly, that the little things are not unfruitful, that when we plant these seeds and keep building them we can make things come to life or create the life around us that we want in a positive way.
I’d love to hear about all the little things in your life, share with me here.
All my love
Hannah X