Healing Mercury


As Mercury Retrograde descends upon us once again, it prompts some contemplation on the intricacies of communication. Beyond merely recognising its importance lies the essential inquiry into its formation and the profound impact it has on our lives, it really is the key to things. Communication isn't a static skill but rather a dynamic journey for each individual, requiring continuous learning, refinement, and the understanding that genuine communication is not just permissible but safe. Feeling safe will depend on who you are communicating with, and you will know deep down in your body and nervous system.

Mercury Retrograde is a cosmic phenomenon recurring several times a year, Mercury symbolises the planet of communication and appears too backtrack—an optical illusion as Earth momentarily overtakes Mercury in its orbit. This celestial event often coincides with disruptions in technology or communication, affecting individuals in varied and sometimes unexpected ways.

Reflecting on personal growth, I've come to realise that quality alone does not ensure effective communication. From childhood, societal norms subtly guide us to articulate socially acceptable truths, often discouraging confrontation or discomfort. However, as we mature, we recognise the importance of discernment and regulation in our communication—a skill honed over time and often underscored by the power of silence, which can convey volumes.

Unspoken emotions linger in the air, fostering a culture of assumption and unmet expectations. Expressing our needs may occasionally lead to conflict, unveiling the unfortunate reality that communication can be wielded as a weapon, a normalised phenomenon in today's society.

It's crucial to acknowledge that individuals respond based on their unique experiences, perpetuating learned behaviours and patterns. Childhood dynamics, manifested through playground roles, leave an indelible mark on our adult communication styles, significantly influencing our interpersonal relationships.

Navigating these adult relationships unveils the consequences of poor communication, highlighting areas where our sense of safety may be compromised. Healing these patterns requires time, discomfort, and a willingness to confront our mistakes—an education often acquired through various interactions, be it friendships, professional settings, or intimate relationships.

Embracing healthy, regulated communication is key to transformative personal growth, illuminating the intrinsic connection between our internal dialogue and external interactions. Challenging ingrained communication patterns necessitates creating a supportive environment, fostering detachment from familiar but detrimental habits to embrace positive change.

This journey towards improved communication is far from linear and requires patience, practice, and compassion. It involves acknowledging and learning from our mistakes, recognising harmful patterns, and engaging in uncomfortable conversations without disproportionate reactions—a journey often navigated most intimately within our closest relationships, where our vulnerabilities are laid bare.

Moreover, understanding that different people and situations require nuanced forms of communication is essential. As Mercury Retrograde beckons us to slow down, it serves as a timely reminder to introspect on our communication practices—what requires healing, what needs to change, and what resonates authentically with our inner selves.

In essence, the arrival of Mercury Retrograde invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, to reassess how we communicate and to cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. By embracing this opportunity for reflection and transformation, we pave the way for more meaningful connections and fulfilling relationships in our lives.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, do reach out to me.

All my love

Hannah X

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