Goal's with soul ...
In a world where the word goal is thrown around like confetti, and especially in the personal development world, you have to be seen to have a goal, and the right kind of goal.
In a word if you don’t have a goal, you're doing something wrong or you’re not motivated to progress or rather thats how it seems.
Even children get fed this from a young age and they can feel the pressure too.
Depending on your personality or even what’s going on in your life it may seem like there’s a lot of pressure around and for some people that may be a struggle.
In discussion people will often ask so “what’s your goals”, even before are you happy, or how’s your wellbeing.
I think we need to redefine what goal means and bring some soul into them.
What do goals with soul look like and feel like to you?
Now while I personally love setting a goal and I know that I am personally wired this way, I also recognise having often achieved goals I’ve set I have come to realise that its not always what you expect once you’ve achieved it and that you often find yourself looking to what the next goal is, before you’ve integrated the last one.
That happiness, wellbeing and inner peace haven’t been a priority, despite getting what I wanted.
While I love achieving the goals, I realised I needed to change this perspective and it wasn’t about stopping setting goals but how I was going about achieving them. I came to realise over the years especially with my health and wellbeing no goal is better than happiness and inner peace, and that this was a goal that I actually needed to set. But also the importance of learning to live fully and have fun without depending on these goals.
What does living look like to you beyond your goals and achievements?
I realised that you could have a shot nervous system and not even feel safe in your body and still achieve things.
I decided I needed to align these things together, and to also look at these goals with the question “are they what I really want or what I think I should be doing?”.
This is the most important question to ask yourself and get clear on.
What do I really want beyond the outside noise and ideals?
It’s important for you to recognise at different points in your life, your goals will change, there will be times when you may go for the bigger things and other times your goals may look very different.
For instance if you’re going through a traumatic time, realigning things to help heal your nervous system would be more favourable than not giving yourself the opportunity to do this in then long term. It doesn’t mean you can’t set a goal, but one that feels good to this particular point in time. Maybe set the goal to help heal this.
We get hung up on the big goals but the micro goals and mini ones are just as important, so if you’re in a period where the mini goals may be the place to focus on do that.
The key here is to remember there’s no right or wrong way its learning to trust and listen to where you are at. Learning to be kind to yourself, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to achieve certain things because we are led to believe we will feel better if we do achieve these things and often its very temporary.
Shifting our mindset around this can change our lives, learning to set goals in accordance to your life at certain points is the key to and learning to get things in alignment with you and what you’re feeling.
If you struggle to achieve your goals it may be because you're setting the wrong ones, and approaching them in a particular way because you think your should. Of course this is a topic in itself but worth thinking about too.
Let’s start by bringing some soul to our goals, and let’s stop defining ourselves by what we’ve achieved and go beyond this.
I’d love to hear about your relationship goals, share with me here.
All my love
Hannah X