Five reflections on trusting yourself ...
Learning to trust ourselves is a fundamental and important thing to do, however it’s often something many people struggle with. We are so caught up in the outside world, we makes mistakes and we find ourselves relying on others or what they think and it disconnects us from trusting ourselves.
Making mistakes and screwing up happens, its life, but what’s important is to not let it disconnect you from this core essential thing “to trust yourself”. It’s having the ability to still trust ourselves when we screw up.
We change our life and our world when trust ourselves, it impacts everything from the decisions we make, the people we are surrounded with, how we care for ourselves and so much more.
Theres a lot of outside noise, which builds up and there are so many layers we end up getting muddled in what’s our stuff and what’s others.
More often than not our nervous systems are jacked and it doesn’t feel safe in our bodies to trust ourselves. I know for so long I didn’t trust my body because of what was happening to it, I had to rebuild this relationship and learn to feel safe in its fluctuating state.
When we trust ourselves we are connected to our intuition on a deeper level, and it also allows us to truly trust others on a deeper level.
People will break our trust too sometimes, but if your sense of self trust is strong this is a good foundation to get you through. I’m sure this is something we all need to work on.
Here’s five reflections for learning trusting yourself or to reconnect back to trusting yourself:
What does trusting yourself mean to you, get clear on this.
Does trusting yourself feel good in your body and feel safe in yourself nervous system. Connect with how this feels, and ask yourself what would it feel like to feel safe in your body with trust.
We will all have stories that will make us not want to trust ourselves and we will find all the ways to back this up. Unravel these stories, take your time with this and welcome forgiveness into the process.
Find examples in your life where you have trusted yourself, what did that feel like, now you may be thinking I barely have an example that doesn’t matter. No matter how small it counts and is something for you to build on.
While it may feel easy and safe to outsource our trust to others, or even means less responsibility. Changing this narrative is the key, yes of course we can learn from the outside, most of since childhood have placed our trust in the outside and never stopped to truly reclaim it for ourselves. Thats why it feels so alien, even in our personal relationships we out source it and barely realise it. Turn down this noise, and it can feel super conflicting when we feel the outside may know better but its learning to hone this in ourselves as well.
This is a big topic and in truth a life long journey for us, therefore cultivating self trust will create a strong foundation for us and this will shift our lives in a positive way. We will feel more empowered and embodied, more deeply connected to ourselves, your intuition will improve and the decisions we make we will be more likely to trust them.
This doesn’t mean we don’t trust others and others opinions at times its having the discernment figure out what feels good and to trust that.
Re write your trust story, and the great thing is we can keep adding to this as well.
I’d love to hear about your relationship with self trust, share with me here.
Do you trust yourself?
All my love
Hannah X