Finding Grace when overwhelmed...
Right now we are living in times where so much is going on that many people are feeling overwhelmed. When people feel this way it often leads to feeling disconnected, ungrounded, disorientated and tired.
We tend to spiral and blame ourselves that we should be doing better and it can all feel too much.
What we must remember is that this situation we are in is one we haven’t experienced before so for many its triggering up a lot of old stuff.
So how do we find grace with this, when there are so many layers to this whole situation?
We have to get present with where we are at and what we are actually feeling, getting clear with this is essential.
Breaking things down allows us to see things more clearly, even the things we don’t want to see.
Often what we think has triggered something is actually different when we start to lean into it as we realise that actually there’s something else beneath this. Going underneath something can feel daunting but when we do this it enables us to begin to release things.
When in the space of overwhelm we often feel like we have no control over anything anymore. This is where making a list of the things you can have control over allows you to start feeling a little less overwhelmed. Even if that list is really small, it’s a starting point.
Knowing what we can control and what we can’t, allows us to take our power back.
Remember this, even with the things we can’t control there are always things we can bring to the table to help, even if it’s minimal. This can be built on as well, often this boils down to self care and help.
If you are able to share with someone what’s going on this can be really helpful because often someone else can help bring some perspective, break things down and most importantly can be there to listen. This doesn’t meaning dumping all your stuff on them but having a safe space to share.
Often in life being heard is first and foremost is what’s most important before solutions can be found, because its means we aren’t just by passing to a solution without honouring how we feel.
The thing with being overwhelmed is we end up carrying so much of it, we can no longer see clearly so that other person can often help dispel this.
If you don’t have this support writing it down or making a voice note is the next best thing. If things are too much finding a professional person to help is key.
What can we do to help ourselves with overwhelm?
Firstly, it may well be you need to rest and take some time out to recoup and be kind to yourself. Kindness is so important when dealing with overwhelm as it bridges the gap for us to remember its not all on us.
Finding self help methods such as meditation, breathing techniques, singing , dancing, nature time (such a powerful place to get out and ground yourself), exercise, journaling, even bashing a pillow for relief, seeing friends or watching a film.
Basically anything that gets you personally back in your body and feeling more grounded is what’s important here.
Something that will take you out of the space of overwhelm to find some relief and allow yourself to pause and get some perspective to what’s real and what the over whelm is.
Perspective is everything as it allows us to look around and outside of what we are feeling, rather than being lost in it.
When we find positive relief it allows us to refill ourselves us back up.
Creating a routine with the things that help is vital, so create yourself a tool box that you can go too.
Now sometimes you won’t always get the relief you need, it’s in these times that pausing and resting is the best solution.
On the talk of rest, we live in a society where rest if so under valued. However, lack of quality rest often contributes to overwhelm and an over ran nervous system because we just don’t stop. So making sure you get enough quality rest can be really helpful when possible.
I hope this is helpful to anyone feeling overwhelmed right now, be kind to yourself and know there is relief beyond the overwhelm.
All my love
Hannah X