Festive Kindness ...
As we enter into the festive season we will be doing so after having the strangest year.
We’ve had a year of uncertainty, so the importance of entering into the festive season with lots of self care and kindness has never been more important or vital.
On a normal basis the festive season can be an interesting one, with some people loving it and other people struggling with the obligation and busyness that often this season brings.
I suggest making it a priority that you are mindful with yourself over this festive season so you can find your own way to make it a joyous occasion with a positive experience.
Despite all the joy this season can bring, it can be triggering for some. This can be in various ways, for example food and being around other people, as we tend to do all the family stuff during this season, or in some cases it can be the opposite and lonely for some people.
First of all identify your triggers. You may well be feeling more sensitive with the year that has just passed as it has been a lot. So figure out your triggers and work out which ones are non negotiable, this is a good self care practise. Of course this is often easier said than done and may not always be possible, especially with family stuff, but do your best to put those boundaries in place as it will really serve you and allow you to have a happier holiday season.
If food is a trigger make sure you talk to people around you so you have the support in place.
For some of you, loneliness is the trigger so look at how you can support yourself with this one and find positive ways to ease some of this trigger.
When we identify our triggers in life we immediately give ourselves better foundations where we feel safer because we’ve set things up to experience everything in a more positive way.
Safety is key for us to feel more settled and after the year we’ve just had if there’s one thing for sure, after all the uncertainty, we don’t want to feel unsafe ending the year.
Lastly, look at what self care you can put in place over the season as it tends to be busy despite being a holiday.
What non negotiable self care practises will support you?
Do the things that are sustainable for you to do, so you actually get the benefit from them.
Get things in place that work for you and commit to them, remember this will look different for everyone, there is no wrong way.
This will serve you greatly in finding the balance, will allow you to enjoy the season and get the best out of it.
If we’ve learnt anything this year, having things that support us in our lives is key to keeping us in our centre and feeling good.
Doing the above is the best gift of kindness we can give ourselves, as it means we give ourselves the opportunity to get the best out of the season in a way that works for each of us.
I hope this is helpful to whomever reads this and I'm wishing you a joyful festive season.
All my love
Hannah X
Ps Meditation is always helpful in topping you up, if you haven’t all ready sign up to my newsletter for weekly wisdom drops and you get a free one.