A love letter reminder ...
Dear reader
As we moved through Valentines day this last week, the day where love is commercialised and is thrown in our face, its always a good time after to remember the love and show ourselves some love.
And to remember ultimately we are love.
Sometimes we need a reminder and this is your reminder and love letter, to remind that you are enough, just as you are, no matter where you are currently at in your life.
You are not your achievements or your perceived failures, you are more than this.
When we stop defining ourselves by these metrics and recognise this journey of life is non linear.
There will be ups and downs and things we will thrive at and things will be less than ideal, and what we will come to learn that certain things were never meant for us anyway. I know that can be a hard one to swallow, the plot twist is when we get something better.
You are beautiful, reclaim this and anchor this feeling in your body, in a life that constantly disconnects us, be the rebel that reclaims that connection and welcomes it again and again, and every time you get disconnected.
Somethings we will be able to control and others we simply won’t be able to, the key to success is meeting yourself where you are at with kindness. Which of course if we are feeling bad about yourself this can be hard, this is where we have to stretch and lean into to ourselves more.
The importance of supporting ourselves and giving ourselves what we truly need will deepen our relationship with love and show others how to love us even more deeply. Most of us grew up loving from an almost empty cup and seeing others around not supporting themselves. Learning to fill your cup in this way will be transformative and of course you will need to begin small as it may feel uncomfortable at first. You will of course have been so used to not supporting yourself, so make a list of all the ways you can do this and begin to let it feel good in your body and nervous system.
In fact learning to love in a way that feels good in your body and nervous system will be transformative, and bringing this into daily life will expand your life in ways you didn’t think possible.
Romance yourself and your life on the daily, imagine that you’re creating your life as a great love affair, even doing the small mundane things. When we romance ourselves it provides the mirror for others to understand how to do this. You maybe thinking what does this even mean, we tend to grow up and think that this is a sporadic thing that sometimes happens, we maybe so disconnected we don’t even know what romancing means for ourselves. So begin re writing this this story and lean into the idea of what this means to you.
What would your life look like as a beautiful love affair?
Do beautiful things, however you define that, get present and feel it fully, feel warm and fuzzy even over the cup of coffee or sitting down for a few moments to gather your thoughts.
A radical thought I know.
Let the love for yourself spill over into how you connect and love others, relearn love, reclaim love or welcome love if you have never really experienced it, it may well be remembering its safe to love.
What’s most important is to remember this will look different for everyone, love is the most expansive thing in the sense in reality it’s hard to label.
All I know is I love,” love” and learning to romance myself and life, has been beautiful and letting it be a love affair. Rather than measured amounts of love or feeling guilty for doing nice things or wanting things in a certain way, re writing these stories have been radical and wonderful for my nervous system which has felt safe to receive this and to regulate with this.
Let these words be a reminder, I would love to hear from you about this.
All my love
Hannah X