The power of the pause ...
We can often get so carried away with life that we forget to pause, in fact we often see pausing as something that slows us down, that delays us and stops us getting things done.
When actually the pause is a positive thing as it creates space and allows us to breathe and often allows us to take our power back.
Without pausing we end up on the hamster wheel, over hustling and pushing and sometimes burning out, we forget the pause enables us to reflect, take a step back, give ourselves the self-care we may need, and in some cases to even redirect us, which, often when we don’t stop we don’t see we need to do this, so it’s an important thing to activate and use in our lives.
So how can we reconnect with the pause to make it even more effective.
Firstly ask yourself do you ever really pause, because often we are so distracted when we do, we think if we stop and pause we won’t get things done, so we never really pause fully, so get clear on this so you know where you at.
Ask your self what you really think about pausing because often with our conditioning it’s not something that we really subscribe to, so begin to rewrite your story around it, this is powerful.
Once you started re-writing the story, really connect to how this makes you feel because often how we feel about something is how we make something work in our life so you really need to connect with it and it needs to feel good. Really cultivate this good feeling because once we feel good about something it changes everything and we will start to understand the power and the magic of really cultivating the pause.
Like anything, we need to practice it so if you aren’t pausing in your life, practice it so it becomes a habit and figure out how it feels, it’s likely to feel uncomfortable because it will feel like it’s slowing you down so whats important to hold that space.
Think of pausing as a form of self care, because its during the pause we can figure out what we need and give ourselves the self care required, and when we return to what we are doing with new eyes, we feel refreshed and we often produce much better work, be better friends, parents or lovers.
Meditation is a great way to pause and is deeply nourishing for our mind, body and soul and really does benefit us. Finding the right meditation is key here and regular practise really does make a difference. Theres actually a free meditation when you sign up to my email list, I won’t spam you either. Simply becoming aware of our breathing makes us pause, and brings us a new awareness and reconnect us.
Get out into nature, its a really effective place to get us to pause, and give us some time out and it doesn’t need to be huge amounts either.
Lastly, have some fun; life can get very serious, when we pause to have fun and take time to do things that bring us joy, make us laugh and reconnect us, it’s good medicine for the soul.
Like with all things, its about finding your own rhythm with pausing, and bringing it consistently into your life and realising its benefits really do bring your life into more alignment, help you feel more balanced, reconnect with yourself and nature, and remember who you are.
We live in a disconnected world, the pause can help reconnect us, and help us become more aware.
I can’t recommend enough giving the pause the power and magic it deserves.
Do you pause in your life ?
I would love to continue this conversation.
I hope whoever reads this is having a good week.
All my love
Hannah X