Positive ways to shift you from the fear space .....
A course in miracles says that a miracle is simple a shift from fear to love.
Right now as well as all the good stuff we have in the world there is also a lot of fear right now about certain things that are happening on the planet.
Now we can’t pretend things aren’t happening but what we need to do is have awareness and look at how we are looking at it. That doesn’t mean pushing it under the carpet, its looking at it face on and seeing what you can do about it no matter how small, and making sure the life you live is one aligned with love rather than fuelled by fear and one that feels safe no matter what is happening around you.
What we need to realise is that fear feeds fear, so letting something scare the heck out of you is never going to solve the problem.
So what can we do in a proactive way :
Get the facts, know where you are at but don’t let yourself loop in the them, this won’t help you in anyway, even if something makes you feel uneasy, and I am aware this is easier said than done.
Look what you can do to help yourself and implement it, it may not prevent something but it will certainly help.
Don’t feed your fear, my suggestion would be if you feel yourself slipping find a positive person in your life who can help you break your loop, and help you reframe things to feel better, remember sometimes small increments of feeling better is all that’s needed.
Shift your perspective, like in any situation there’s always a worse case scenario but flip to the other side and see yourself being able to deal with the situation in the best way possible.
If you find yourself constantly checking stuff and it triggers you, you need to get a control on this as it won’t help you in the long term it will feed the fear, find positive solutions here and it doesn’t mean ignoring stuff either, but filling yourself up with it will do you no good.
Don’t stop having fun, I don’t mean being reckless but often in troubled times we get caught up in things, the energy of fun helps uplift us so even if its a small thing do and consistently.
Be mindful to vulnerable people, this is something we can all positively and proactively do.
Lastly find the practise’s that help calm your mind like meditation or mindfulness, it's important during in intense times we maintain consistent practise to the things that support us, which often can feel difficult but honestly this really does make the difference how we handle things. Theres a free meditation on here when you sign up to my email list, but there are so many helpful apps out there that are trial and error but it allows you to find the one that’s right for you.
I hope this is helpful, and remember the one thing we have control of is our mind, so shifting our perception is something we really can do.
Share to anyone who you know this may help.
So I invite you the reader to view things from a lens of love and know that fear will never solve the problems, and I hope you can find grace in your week ahead in whatever way is possible for you.
Sending lots of love to all who read this.
Hannah X