Is your intuition activated for 2020 ? ....
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As we move into a new decade with the world rapidly changing and sometimes being somewhat chaotic, we need to really active our hidden super powers to arm ourselves to navigate life, and help us live a more aligned life and reconnect to ourselves.
It will help us get clearer on what we want, and how we can show up in the world.
Intuition being one of these super powers.
Do you feel connected to your intuition?
Intuition is that inner knowing, the sixth sense it by passes the reasoning of the mind which often gets us stuck in a loop.
When we learn to cultivate our intuition, we make decisions from a more aligned place, we are more connected to our feelings and our body and we become able to listen to it, and meet its needs.
It helps us realise when something isn’t right or if something feels off, more commonly know as a gut knowing. It gets us out of a fear loop, and moves us into a more loving space.
So how do we cultivate and activate it ?
Heres some ways I find helpful:
Meditate, this slows down the nervous system and calms our mind which allows us to connect with that inner voice. Consistency is key here, and when you commit to this you really can hear the inner voice more clearly. ( There’s a free meditation I created when you sign up to my email list ). Even just slowing down our breathing is helpful for our nervous system, if you struggle with meditation.
Get out in nature, it grounds us and reconnect us from the often busy lives we lead, it allows us to reconnect to the seasons which heightens our awareness and helps us feel more connected to nature, and slows us down to listen to our inner voice.
Our intuition often speaks through our bodies, you know those gut feelings, the flutters in our heart or when our body tenses up or even relaxes with a happy feeling. This is feedback our intuition talking to us. Listen to those gut feelings learn to trust them.
Start to listen to your feelings rather than by pass them with the thinking mind. Our minds chatter can often distract which then disconnects us or make us doubt our feelings. But learning to listen to them reconnects us.
Take time out from your routine and if you're very busy even just mini resets like ten minutes can really help it gives our nervous system a break, and allows us to reconnect to that inner voice.
Moving your body, this gets us back in our bodies, calm our minds and grounds us this doesn’t need to be specific exercise, it can be simply putting on some music and having a dance around a room for five minutes.
Journal, and free write for five/ten minutes this takes us out of our head and brings us back to our heart voice, a regular practise of this can be very helpful even just once a week.
Using oracle cards if you like to use them can be helpful because our mind can’t influence them. Start to learn to see what you feel when you pull a certain card, listen to your reaction to it we can really learn from that and use it as guidance.
Now these are just a few ways, and the key here is finding what works for you.
Choose a few that resonate and practise them consistently, this is the key.
What’s important is that sometimes you won’t always get it right, it’s not that your intuition is rubbish this is how we learn, and that’s more than ok and actually a positive thing.
It’s the feedback thats important, and sometimes when we haven’t got it right that’s the feedback in itself.
Like any muscle it needs to be worked on, to strengthen it.
When we start to work with our intuition regular, it really will change your life, because you’ll no longer feel you have to seek outside validation and you will learn to trust yourself, be kinder to yourself because you will no longer be putting yourself in unaligned situations and the people around you will be inspired by this.
You will also understand the people around you better, and know if that’s the right person for you, remember we are all different and we don’t always fit each other and that’s more than ok.
So whatever goals or intentions you’ve set for 2020, make activating your intuition your number one thing because it will benefit everything you do.
I would love to hear how you connect to your intuition, and if you do any of the practises above.
All my love
Hannah X